
TailorPatent CII technischer Charakter


Technological competence

You find interdisciplinary expertise in electronics and communications engineering (hardware and software), mechatronics, and physics. Successful projects for patent protection, for example, were implemented in the following fields :

  • Electronic vouchers and electronic price displays     
  • RFID and NFC     
  • Digital audio, video signal processing (eg, voice recognition )     
  • Digital recording, mobile systems     
  • Lighting technologies - for example, OLED and LED     
  • Plastic and cardboard packaging technology
  • Manufacturing machinery or processes     
  • Medical technology, such as Tomography systems     
  • Industrial equipment such as Solar power plants , " Green Energy "

Talk with us about our spezialization in the protection of  "software inventions", also known as computer-implemented inventions.

Competent and always receptive to something new